What Motivates Me and the Correct Mindset to Have


How am I motivated to keep posting?

Personally, I keep myself reminders to regulate posting on the daily, and also the fact that I could die off of the algorithm Instagram has, which of course will kill the amount of impressions I get.

The correct mindset to have

The main part of growing an account though, is motivation and dedication because that is what gets you to post and put effort into your posts. And also to have fun and ignore the numbers of followers as it may be discouraging, instead I would look at the likes, shares, saves, etc.

And most importantly, I try to remember that I have not been doing this for quite a long time, and comparing this to other accounts, which have been up for much longer and pay people to advertise them, which gives me more motivation and keeps me entertained as this is one of my hobbies at this point.
